Life Coaching is a process that enables important changes in your life, allows effective personal development or necessary internal transformation. It allows you to make the necessary choices . It allows you to deeoen your self-awareness and understant what really matters to you. It helps you discover your patterns of action, thinking and feeling and enables effective and powerfull process of designing your life. You will start to choose thinking that much more supports of whom you want to become. Actions that lead you there. And as the result you will be experiencing much better emotions and living much more fulfilling life.
Life Coaching is recommended when:
- You are going through a crisis of values, meaning, direction, half- life reframing and you need to „redefine yourself”
- You know that you are looking for „something more” and although you may not be able to name it, you know that you want to find it and find out „what you are here for and what you came here to do”
- You feel that your professional life needs a significant reorientation and you want to make sure that you know where you are going and that you are internally ready for it. It is often the case that you happen to realize the need for a career change when you are in the Business Coaching process
- You are after some significant life crisis or major change and you need to come to terms with it, often give a new direction and find new energy to move on
- You feel that your soul is „awakening” to a more transcendent experience of life and you need support on this path
- You need to improve a relationship that is important for you – partner, friend or other, which has stalled or does not bring the fulfillment you need
Life Coaching is often highly transformative. I work with you in an integral way, based on the assumption that all the wisdom and knowledge needed to take some important step are in you. That you are complete and full of resources to run the needed actions. Energy to be released. That you live to become what you came here to be and what your calling, your inner path impels you to do. Discovering this calling is powerful itself. It allows you to mobilize energy for real changes, which are realization of your potential and the deepest reason for the existence of every single person.
I do not judge any of your actions, thoughts or beliefs about yourself. But I let you see how much they help or restrain you from getting what you want in your life. I help you understand yourself really well. Name what you want and why you want it. Find the inner strength to make changes. Determine who you need to become to make it happen. But I also help to „unlearn your former self”.
Life Coaching is not a therapy. It brings profound changes, and at the same time is much shorter than the therapy. However, it is not used when we are dealing with more serious disturbances in functioning, with a deeper basis, in which contact with a therapist would be definitely more appropriate solution.
I will work with you on many levels and as deeply as you want and need it. I create a safe space, full of support and attention for you, where you go the way you are ready for. If you choose to do so, you will build up the resources to continue walking your life in a totally new way, full of transformative perspectives and other possibilities. My approach is based, among others, on the concept of choices, which I describe in the Choice Coaching.